Sunday, December 30, 2012

...If Treason Doth Prosper...

This entry has been inspired by several years worth of documentary films.  I wanted to make sure I put them all in one place, leaving easy breadcrumbs to follow if a person so desired.  I was a child of the '70's, and as such, witnessed the idealistic Jimmy Carter administration go down the tubes as they tried to restore the USA as a country that respected individual freedom as well as the sovereignty of nations that had been under our boot for decades, if not centuries.  He tried to cut all funding for the CIA and tried to deal openly with as many nations as he could, with Middle East peace his primary objective (as it remains for most administrations, ostensibly, today).  It is my belief that the George Bush, Sr., and his cronies at the CIA, set Carter up for failure in Iran.  I cannot prove it, but it was awfully fortuitous that when he ran for President, our embassy there was stormed, and hostages taken, and that the inability to release these hostages (along with gas lines and other "variables" that oil cartels and CIA money-boys could control) made him look incompetent.  Reagan got the party nod, but Bush was the Veep, and I found it rather amazing how the hostages were immediately released when Bush/Reagan came to office.  Oh, by the way, did you know that Hinckley (the man who shot Reagan) was a Bush family friend?  Who stood most to gain from Reagan's death, and why wasn't this dealt with in our media?  I get ahead of myself, though.  From that time forward,  Bush and his buddy, Clinton (don't believe me?  read the well-documented book "Compromised:  Clinton, Bush and the CIA"), then Bush, Jr. ("shrub") ran the show for 28 consecutive years.  I consider Reagan to have been a Bush puppet, and his botched murder made sure he knew he was a marked man from that time forward, if he didn't prior.  Obama, himself, may also be a puppet to the same interests:  he certainly has executed the same agenda with only slight variation, and with better polish on his boots about it.  Likely, we'll have Hillary, next, and she might go 8 years, too.  If so, that would be 40 years under the same interests, with the previous forty also largely controlled by the Bush family and their associates.

Rather than make my point through hundreds of pages of text, I'll present it in a series of videos.  If you are already familiar with one or more, feel free to skip them, but I would beg you to give them a FULL viewing.  I realize this will take several nights, possibly weeks, but I think this is KEY information for any informed citizen to obtain.  It is worth the time.  The order of them is up to you, but I would recommend opening with the Zeitgeist movies in order, because they are very well produced and give a good opening to the thematic material that is included.

"The Corporation" examines how and why corporations can become sociopathic, short-term thinkers (if they can be considered to think at all), and how they could contribute to the sorts of treasonous acts that could never be carried out by a single citizen or even a league of "persons", unless they had corporate protections and corporate lack of conscience.

Aaron Russo's "Freedom to Fascism" reveals that there is no law that requires any of us (American citizens) to pay "income tax" on our wages or earnings.  So how do they get us to pay?  How do they convince us it is legitimate?  Watch the films.

Bill Still's "The Secret of Oz" delves deeper into this, and shows how banking interests have been working on establishing this sort of paradigm for centuries, even if most of the members of the owners families weren't privy to the agenda (many disown their families [but keep the money] when they discover how dirty the source is).

BBC's "The Century of the Self" explores how psychology and psychiatry have been directed and exploited by government and corporate interests since their advent, and how modern marketing research developed from them.  These methods increasingly (now predominantly) were used through mass media to mould us, from cradle to grave, to be consumers, passively working, with increasing productivity (and less and less time for solitude, reflection, love and creativity).  Instead of active, participatory democratic citizens, many are instead given their goals and methods through commercials, movies, etc., while thinking they are just enjoying the latest/greatest.

Would you have voted for Obama or any other candidate if you had really examined their voting records, their contributors to their campaigns, or known of their connections to fascist powers that are still VERY active in our world, despite the hype about them being beaten in WWII (hint "operation paperclip", as well as the fact that most of the money funding Hitler came from Fords, Rockefellers, Duponts, Carnegies...)?  We are polled and sampled, and the "politicians" design their persona and their message to appeal to those polls, rather than to present consistent, transparent policy for deliberation.  Many of our educated elite (most of the people I know fit in this category, including me) believe that "direct democracy" would be a terrible prospect, and that "the tyranny of the masses" would result in "idiocracy", when in reality, idiocracy is being installed and manipulated by the interests I have previously cited, and quite deliberately.  "Dark Legacy" presents the argument that the Bush family and their associates, ill at ease with manipulating things from the shadows, executed a coup d'etat in 1963 with the killing of John F. Kennedy, and have been either in direct control or waiting in the wings ever since that moment.  The evidence is compelling.

"Explosive Evidence" presents the arguments of top engineers and scientists that whatever the truth of 9/11 actually was, the official story is DEFINITELY bullshit.  I include it for thoroughness, though it may be redundant if this is already obvious to you (and I can't see how it wouldn't be... but let that pass).

Finally, I leave you with "The Home Project", which shows how this focus on our ego creation and satisfaction, which allows us to be remote controlled through conditioning and limited access to contrary views, has led us to a crisis much bigger than any one of us, or even than the whole human race.

These truths are often ugly.  If we do not face them, if we do not reverse this process, we will eventually live in a world as sinister and frightening as any Orwell novel.  Given the progress of technology, it is likely that mass media will only become MORE immersive, such that breaking this trance, this Zeitgeist, will become less and less likely for individuals, and nearly impossible as a group.  We MUST become informed, take responsibility, and act quickly to avert the climate crisis, wage-slavery and psychological manipulation that are turning us into disconnected drones.

Submitted for your review (and with high praise and thanks to the authors of this material, who are most definitely NOT me)!  If you watch all of these and are looking to connect more dots, I recommend PBS Frontline's many different episodes, but particularly "Cheney's Law" and their material on the financial meltdown of 2008.  Thanks in advance for your time, and I look forward to your comments, emails, etc.  BTW, NSA, I know I'm on the list, now, if I wasn't before.  We are Legion.

The Zeitgeist movie series

"The Corporation"

Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism"

Bill Still's "The Secret of Oz"

BBC's "The Century of the Self"

"Dark Legacy"

"Explosive Evidence"

"The Home Project"

Recently, Julian Assange has dropped a lot of dox that back these vids up.  If you can't see it, at this point, you probably won't.  :)

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